(616) 356-2545 15 Ionia Ave. SW, Suite 220 - Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Client List

ifi_mapAs a historic production house since the ’80s, turned digital Diva in present-day, we’ve collectively worked on some interesting projects with interesting people. We enjoy an extensive client list that is diversified both in size and type as well as geographic location. Our award-winning solutions have touched every sector.

Know us by (some of) the company (past/current clients) we keep…

Manufacturing: Amway, Apple, Armock HVAC, BOSCH (Germany), Dow Chemical, Haviland USA, Guardsman, Herman Miller, IBM, Kawasaki Hydraulics, Numerous Sports Equipment Mfgrs., NEC, Penske, SPx, Steelcase, Sony, USG, Valspar, Westinghouse & Whirlpool

Service/Education: Numerous Hospitals, Church Organizations, various Colleges & Universities across the US, McGraw-Hill, CTMAX Surgeons, Numerous Dental practices, Better Business Bureau, Chamber of Commerce, Beyond 26, Heaven at Home (pet hospice)

Media/Entertainment: Comptons, Gospel Films, Loeks Theaters, various broadcasters (radio, cable, network affiliates), Numerous Pro Sports Organizations (Athletic Mentors, West MI Whitecaps, Grand Rapids Griffins, Sacramento Kings, Peoria Rivermen & Chiefs, Wilmington Blue Rocks, Ft. Wayne Wizards, Durham Bulls, Tulsa Drillers, Dayton Dragons, Muskegon Fury, Montgomery Biscuits, Lansing Lugnuts, VanAndel Arena… to name a few)

Retail/Wholesale: Andy Mast Greenhouses, Frank’s Nursery, Wm Bos Greenhouses, Little Caesars, MC Sports, Meijer, Pure Flavor, Quality Farm & Fleet, FTD, Lindt Chocolates (Switzerland), Perugina Chocolates (Italy)

Government: Michigan Dept. of Nat’l Resources (DNR), US FAA & Dept of Agr. (DOA), East Grand Rapids City Planning

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