(616) 356-2545 15 Ionia Ave. SW, Suite 220 - Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Web Design & Development Services, SEO, Digital Marketing & Specialty Programming

Results…by Design

Imagination Factory has served West Michigan and Grand Rapids with web design services, digital media services, graphic design services and programming services since the dawn of the web and beyond. The heart of our work, whatever the medium — and yes, we really did make laser discs at one point — is intelligent design. What is the role of the designer in a constantly evolving environment?

In many respects, it is to be a visionary and to determine the right medium for your message. It is up to our designers to work with you to synthesize your information into something new; something that didn’t exist before.

Partnering with you, our client, we utilize our design and marketing skills to put your message together properly in the correct medium(s) in a way that is economically feasible and meets/exceeds your strategy. Design isn’t just about how something looks anymore…

If you’d like to review our standard design contract, you’ll find it here.

Sounds great! Let's get to work.

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  • Where is IFI?
  • PageRank